Ms. Nag is an acclaimed stage and film actress in India with over 35 years of experience. One of the very few multilingual actresses in a country, she has over a thousand stage performances in English and in over five Indian languages to her credit. Ms. Nag has performed experimental and mainstream plays by a variety of Indian and Western playwrights. She is the recipient of some of the most prestigious State and National Awards for her service to the Indian Theatre.
Currently, Ms. Nag is on the advisory boards of the National School Of Drama and the Kalakshetra Foundation, two of the most prestigious performing art foundations in India. She is also the Managing Trustee of the non-profit, Sanket Trust, and is the Creative Director of the very successful and respected theatre space “Ranga Shankara” in Bangalore, which, in 5 years of its existence has played host to close to 2000 performances in 20 different languages, conducted 6 Theatre Festivals with National and International participation and runs a vibrant Theatre For Children program. Ms. Nag is now showcasing world-class theatre at affordable rates for the people of India; cutting edge theatre experiences are the mandate of this institution.