Priya Tandon

Priya Tandon, Founder & Chair of IndUS Setu Global Foundation, has successfully hosted and catalyzed dialog between global Indian diaspora leaders and key policy makers of their respective countries addressing socio-political-economic issues. Under Priya’s leadership Setu has hosted conferences at such premiere institutions as Stanford University, Columbia University, collaborated with President Mikhail Gorbachev’s Foundation, State of the World Forum, sponsored and helped launch SAARC Interfaith Harmony Conclave, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and spear headed conference initiated by Indian President Abdul Kalam to address unity in diversity.

Recently Setu co-sponsored the Silicon Valley-Delhi “Healthcare/IT Entrepreneurship & Women Empowerment” delegation to India in December 2013 with Priya co-chairing it and she was instrumental in signing of MoUs with prestigious medical institutions in India. Sheis on the advisory board of Cross Border Entrepreneurship activity under the San Francisco-Bangalore Sister City Initiative.

Priya is Founder & President of several not for profit organizations: Seva is School for Street Children, Vishwa Sanskriti celebrates diverse arts and humanity and hosted musical performances at Carnegie Hall, New York and at Masonic Center, San Francisco and Natak Expressions was founded to celebrate rich theatrical expressions of multi-cultures and held performances at Duke University and other institutions.

Priya is recipient of Maharashtra government’s prestigious award prestigious Bharat Nirman Award for her excellence in community work, promoting political awareness and entrepreneurship among women with special emphasis on gender empowerment.

Priya will be co-chairing Sister City Initiative’s SF India project to build bridges between San Francisco/Bay area and India.

Nandini Tandon

Dr. Nandini Tandon, entrepreneur and venture capitalistin Silicon Valley invests incutting edge innovation sustainable for business and society, in life sciences and Healthcare/IT in USA, India and emerging markets.

Dr. Tandon is Vice Chairman, Board Member, for El Camino Hospital, Silicon Valley, California. Prior to that was Managing Director, Lumira/MDS Capitalin Palo Alto with 1.2 Billion dollar under management and before was Partner, RBC Capital Partners, in San Francisco.

Nandini is very engaged in building partnership between USA and India. She co-chaired Healthcare delegation of Mayor of San Francisco to India, under SF-Bangalore Sister City initiative.The delegation successffully launched discussions between Bay area hopsitals and clinics and Indian counterparts to collaborate on areas of mutual interest and best practices.

Nandini was invited by President Obama’s US State Department’s Global Entrepreneurship program to Turkey and Dubai, focusing on innovation in healthcare; she moderated three USA Senator’s congressional delegation to India focusing on building partnerships between USA and India in healthcare, Chaired,”20/20”Vision: Investing in USA & Emerging Markets” held at Stanford University. She is on Advisory Board for MD Anderson Cancer Center for PD &Entrepreneurship;Board of Trustees, Bay Area Council Economic Institute;Advisory Council, Stanford School of Medicine Career Center;Board Member, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases; Board Member, C21 BioVentures. Shespoke at Secretary Geithner for US Department of Treasury’s symposium on Women in Finance and is former Board of Trustee for TiE Global.

Nandini has exceptional track record as a venture capitalist with 12 investments in innovative break through technology companies (in oncology, cardiology, pediatrics, cognitive impairment etc.) with 8 being acquired within few years of investment by market leaders such as Pfizer, General Electric, Gilead, Amgen, Biogen-IDEC, Cephalon, CSI and Millipore respectively, and 2 companies following IPO route.

Nandini has been on board of 12 plus high-tech for profit companies supporting development of products for unmet medical needs. She was most recently Board Member for U-Systems Inc. in Silicon Valley, which got acquired by General Electric for its history making breast cancer early detection technology leading to saving precious lives, and especially suited to Indian/Asian women given their tissue type. She was invited by Harvard Business School’s women conference to give a talk on women leadership in board governance.

A White House Intern, Nandini received Ph.D. in biochemistry, Phi Lambda Upsilon from Duke University, and her B.A. cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Hollins University, USA.

Dr.Tandon is co-chair of SF-Bangalore Sister City initiative’s SF-India focus to catalyze collaborations between San Francisco/Bay area and India.